The Human Condition

Titèmi Jasmine
2 min readSep 4, 2023



Imagine a bustling marketplace, with everyone talking and everything demanding your attention. It’s a lot for one person to handle, but within this chaos, seek the oasis of calm.


Life sometimes serves up moments so wonderful, you wish they’d last forever. Think of them as precious gems; savour, capture, and let them inspire more beauty in your world.


Though you might long for company, sometimes your journey demands solitude. It’s in these solitary steps that you find your true path, where growth and self-discovery await.


You might think you’ve cracked the code of life, but then it throws you a surprise party. It’s like solving a puzzle with ever-changing pieces. Eventually, you’ll see the bigger picture.


Picture a dazzling spotlight on you, making you feel like a superstar. You’re basking in luck and standing on top of the world. Relish this moment; it’s your time to shine.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash


Sometimes, life turns off the lights, and you have to navigate in the dark. But remember, there are people who radiate their light to guide you through those shadowy times.


Imagine feeling like a child again, carefree and joyful. It’s laughter, adventure, and moments that make your heart dance. It’s simply enjoying life to the fullest.


Life is like a shooting star, here one moment and gone the next. Tomorrow is a mystery, so embrace today like the precious gift it is, before it slips away.


Imagine putting your heart into something, giving it your all, and still, it doesn’t turn out as expected. It’s like trying to rewrite the constellations; sometimes, the stars won’t change.


Picture a little flame that never goes out, even when things go wrong. It’s like a guiding star in the night, keeping you moving forward. It’s the feeling that whispers, “You can fly.”

#Day4OfSeptemberWritingChallenge withPB



Titèmi Jasmine

Sometimes a Wanderer, ever a Wonder. Finding home. Welcome to the Titèmi J-verse.